Vaisala high-accuracy immersion temperature transmitter TMI110 is designed for measuring cooling/heating water temperatures in HVAC automation systems. Vaisala TMI110 can also be used for air temperature measurements in air ventilation ducts. The transmitter has a fast response time, enabling precise and reliable control of HVAC systems.
The TMI110 transmitter belongs to the Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW110, which includes transmitters for duct mounting, IP65-rated wall transmitters, immersion temperature transmitters, and outdoor transmitters with integrated radiation shields. Highly accurate The highly accurate TMI110 measures the temperature of liquid in cooling/heating systems, and the temperature of air in ventilation ducts. When measuring the temperature of liquid, the transmitter is installed in a thermowell. For air temperature measurements, the transmitter can be installed in a duct using a flange. Temperature is measured with a Pt1000 sensor element (class A). The high accuracy and quick response time of the measurement enable precise and reliable control of HVAC systems. Fast response time Fast response time of measurement is a top priority in the design of TMI110, enabling instant response in the control loop. Speed and reliability are key factors in the measurement of cooling and heating processes, thus the capabilites of TMI110 are a significant advantage. The transmitter is optimal for building automation and HVAC process control. Traceable accuracy All TMI110 transmitters are individually adjusted and delivered with a traceable (ISO 9001) calibration certificate. If required later on, the transmitter can also be field‑calibrated using a Vaisala handheld meter or Vaisala Insight PC software. |
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The Vaisala HMW90 Series has been complemented with four new models: TMW92 and TMW93 temperature transmitters for applications where only temperature measurement is needed and the configurable HMW90 and TMW90 for special scalings.
The HMW90 and TMW90 transmitters are available in four color options: standard white, black, grey and ivory.
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMD110, HMW110, HMS110 series measure relative humidity and temperature in multiple HVAC applications.
The series includes transmitters for duct mounting HMD110, IP65-classified wall transmitters, and outdoor transmitters with integrated radiation shieldsHMS110.
Vaisala HMD110, HMW110, HMS110 series transmitters are equipped with trusted HUMICAP® 180R sensors. They are individually adjusted and delivered with a calibration certificate. The factory calibration is traceable to NIST.
Transmitters can be field-calibrated using either an HM70 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter, or a PC connection.
EDL's Comparison Cryostat Calibrator (CRYO-CAL-2) is the most trusted cryogenic calibration device available on the market. This passively cooled cryostat allows the user to safely and affordably calibrate a range of temperature measurement devices from 77K (-196 °C) up to 0 °C.
Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP5
for high temperature humidity and temperature applications with exchangeable sensor
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP5 is designed for high temperature applications such as baking ovens, pasta dryers, ceramics and industrial drying kilns where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential
HMP1 is part of the Indigo family and is compatible with Indigo500 and Indigo200 series transmitters. It can be used with Vaisala Insight PC software for data visualization, easy probe configuration, and field calibration.
Hyoda (Japan) Explosion Proof (d2G4)Thermometer ES-UT
The Vaisala HMT140 wireless data logger is designed for humidity, temperature and analog signal monitoring in warehouses, freezer and cryogenic farms, laboratories, blood banks and many other life science applications
The Vaisala HMT140 incorporates Vaisala HUMICAP® technology to measure relative humidity and temperature accurately and reliably. The Vaisala HUMICAP sensor is resistant to dust and most chemicals. Alternatively, the Vaisala HMT140 can connect to Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), Voltage, Current and Contact sensors, making the Vaisala HMT140 the most versatile Vaisala data logger for life science applications.
The DL1700 thermocouple data loggers provide accurate temperature data acquisition, remote alarming, and continuous monitoring.
The loggers are ideal for demanding environments that use extreme temperatures, from -240 °C to 1760 °C; applications such as liquid nitrogen (LN2), ovens, sterilization chambers and other extreme temperatures in laboratories and industrial environments.
The loggers connect to Vaisala's viewLinc software to provide historical and real-time data, remote alarming, and reporting in compliance with global regulations and standards.
The Vaisala OPC-DA Server software can be used to integrate Vaisala DL-series data loggers to non-Vaisala systems. If access to historical measurements is needed, the Vaisala OPC-UA Server can be used to integrate the viewLinc database with non-Vaisala systems.
Hyoda (Japan) Thermometer with MicroSwitch Model KME-2, KME-4.
EDL’s Single Black Body (SBB) IR Calibrators were designed for easy and reliable testing of virtually any in line or handheld infrared pyrometer/gun. The Single Black Body (SBB) is used for applications requiring only one temperature range. Lightweight and compact, the SBB is ideal for use in the lab or in the field. Units are available to cover the most tested temperatures: SBB-1 (low-range) accommodates temperatures from -30 °C up to 110 °C, SBB-2 (mid-range) accommodates temperatures from ambient up to 350 °C, and SBB-3 (high-range) accommodates temperatures from ambient up to 650 °C.
Vaisala HMT360 humidity and temperature transmitter is designed for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The electronics are designed so that the transmitter is intrinsically safe. The whole transmitter can be installed directly into an explosive area, even into areas classified as having a constant risk of explosion (Zone 0). HMT360 fulfils all requirements of current standards. The microprocessor-based HMT360 is easy to install, maintain and calibrate due to its modular structure. The interchangeable probes are easy to remove and enable on-site calibration. They make the HMT360 series versatile and ensure its suitability for almost any application
Also suitable for measuring water activity of Jet Fuel
Vaisala's multi-application temperature data logger monitors temperatures in up to four applications with one logger – ultra-low temperature freezers, freezer/refrigerators and incubators. A superior alternative to chart recorders and hard-wired systems.
Vaisala DL1000, DL1016, 1400, DL1416 is a high-accuracy temperature data logger. Ideal for ultra-low temperature freezers, fridges, cold rooms in regulated environments, the DL1000-1400 temperature logger provides stable, reliable measurements. With a measurement range from -90 °C to +70 °C and stable accuracy at ±0.10°C, the DL1000-1400 series can take up to four inputs for monitoring or mapping temperatures in that range. This series also offers an optional input for door monitoring
The DL-series temperature loggers connect to Vaisala's viewLinc software to provide historical and real-time data, remote alarming, and reporting in compliance with global regulations and standards. The Vaisala OPC-DA Server software can be used to integrate Vaisala DL-series data loggers to non-Vaisala systems. If access to historical measurements is needed, the Vaisala OPC-UA Server can be used to integrate the viewLinc database with non-Vaisala systems.
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMD110, HMW110, HMS110 series measure relative humidity and temperature in multiple HVAC applications.
The series includes transmitters for duct mounting HMD110, IP65-classified wall transmitters, and outdoor transmitters with integrated radiation shieldsHMS110.
Vaisala HMD110, HMW110, HMS110 series transmitters are equipped with trusted HUMICAP® 180R sensors. They are individually adjusted and delivered with a calibration certificate. The factory calibration is traceable to NIST.
Transmitters can be field-calibrated using either an HM70 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter, or a PC connection.
EDL offers a complete line of stirred liquid bath calibrators for temperatures from –40 °C up to 550 °C. The Ultra Bath has the highest stability and uniformity possible in any bath. We offer three standard bath models based on the specified temperature range.
Vaisala high-accuracy immersion temperature transmitter TMI110 is designed for measuring cooling/heating water temperatures in HVAC automation systems. Vaisala TMI110 can also be used for air temperature measurements in air ventilation ducts. The transmitter has a fast response time, enabling precise and reliable control of HVAC systems.